

Zach Stilton

Zach is the main character of Remtessi. He is an 18 year-old college freshman and Manipo’s ideal vessel. Ambitious, overachieving, and stubborn, Zach juggles his schoolwork with a full time job to avoid accumulating debt. But as the year continues, his stress starts to catch up with him, especially when he’s introduced to Nasco.

Wendy Stilton

Wendy is Zach’s mother. Anxious by nature, she constantly checking in on Zach, sometimes to an annoying degree. She works as a nurse during the day.

Dominic (Nick) Stilton

Zach’s little brother. He looks up to Zach as a role model, and when Zach has to leave for college, he does not adjust well to the change.

Alex Stallworth

Zach’s randomly assigned roommate. Alex is a gamer and pop culture fanatic. He sees college as an opportunity to socialize instead of academic fulfillment and tries to drag Zach into his lifestyle.

Stephanie (Steph) Cooke

Steph is another student at Zach’s college who develops a friendship with him during move-in day. Since they have similar classes, Steph and Zach collaborate on homework and study in-person until Zach’s workload starts to pile.

Dr. Elizabeth Moreno

Dr. Moreno is a psychology professor at Piedmont University. She shows interest in Zach after a conversation with him on the first day of class. Naturally curious and eccentric.

Joseph Eldridge

Joseph is a student from a neighboring college. Had a previous encounter with Manipo that led to him developing a case of insomnia.

Jeannie Bickel

Jeannie is the general manager of Luciano’s. When she sees Zach at work, she takes advantage of his ambitiousness to support her understaffed restaurant.

Remtessi & Remnants

Nasco - Animal: Argentina Puma

Nasco is a Remnant recruited to be an assistant to Manipo. He is forced to attach his soul to Zach’s via the Neuro-Link device as well as train with Manipo to master Remtessi techniques. As Zach’s stress increases, Nasco starts to feel changes to his body and mind that alter how he behaves.


Manipo is a member of the Eight who specializes in environmental manipulation. His soul currently resides in a doll, a Relic from the human world, after an accident that caused him to lose his organic body. Ambitious, yet careless, he refuses to let anyone stand in the way of his goals.

Piaget - Animal: Saanen Goat

Piaget is the leader of the Eight, specializing in every Remtessi technique. He is powerful, but with a laid back demeanor towards most Remnants. Although he respects all members of the Eight, he is apprehensive of Manipo due to past incidents and experiments.

Mozog - Animal: Arctic Gray Wolf

Mozog is a member of the Eight and Piaget’s second-in-command. He is a machine builder and the only operator of the Neuro-Link, a machine that connects a Remtessi soul to a human soul.

Kali - Animal: Thompson’s Gazelle

Kali is a member of the Eight who specializes in coding for Mozog’s machines. Her explosive temper can sometimes hamper her progress, but her animosity towards Manipo makes it worse.

Namathi - Animal: African Pygmy Mouse

Namathi is a member of the Eight. Due to her short height, much of her power comes from her specialty, building gadgets that harness the medicinal flora of the Subconscious. Her and Gesso are romantic partners, and her gentle, supportive nature keeps him motivated.

Gesso - Animal: Brown Bear

Gesso is a member of the Eight who specializes in creating the visuals and scenarios for the white portals. He can also harness his energy to bring his drawings to life. While he may look intimidating, he can be aloof.

Elda - Animal: Dog (Boxer)

Elda is a member of the Eight who specializes in studying the mental health of humans. She is also Brutus’ older sister. Her pride creates tension with her brother, especially in group environments.

Brutus - Animal: Dog (Boxer)

Brutus is a member of the Eight who specializes in the sociological factors of the human world. He is youthful and motivated to perform well and support his sister’s discoveries.

Pravi - Animal: Northern American Raccoon

Pravi is a former student of the Remtessi Academy. She now operates a salvage store that also hosts a black market for Relics from the human world.